#1162 | Sunday, April 7th 2002
During the attack on the WTC builings I was sitting at home (Tel Aviv, Israel), studying for a biology exam, and I was on the phone with a girl in my class named Shiran, and suddenly they showed on TV the 1st building going on fire and the 2nd plane hitting the 2nd building. since that moment, I watched the special telecast about the attack.

Shahar | 15 | Israel

#1149 | Tuesday, April 2nd 2002
I remember being at school, when I heard talk of an explosion in the world trade center. It was at lunch when I heard more detail, a plane had crashed into it. The period after, I was in English class watching the events unfold when I saw the second plane hit live. And it wasn't until later at home that I heard about the other two planes. What causes one man to have so much hate? All we can do is pray for such things.
Stephen | 15 | Ohio

#1100 | Sunday, March 24th 2002
I was at school in a room on my own with another teacher.We were doing some work together when we heard a rumour about the tragedy. We immediately went onto the net to find out more about the horrific events.It was terible. For for the first time ever I had nothing to say and my teacher was just overcome. Only 2months before had our school from england been on a trip right to the top of the world trade center.The reality of it dint really set in until i got home when it was all over the telly. Nothing else was really shown for a long time which i think was brilliant.Tribute shows were made and shown all over the united kingdom and memorial services and silences were held all over the country. The flag flew at half mast at school on the 11th and for a good few days after.I didnt lose anyone in the tragedy but no what it is like to lose a close loved one. We will neverforget-rest in peace gods angels IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES ON SEPTEMBER THE 11th 2001. THEY DIDN'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT. THERE FAMILIES SHOULD BE SO PROUD because the whole world is. ENGLAND is with you AMERICA.Together we can make it.
R.I.P | 15 | United Kingdom

#1099 | Sunday, March 24th 2002
I was at school in a room on my own with another teacher.We were doing some work together when we heard a rumour about the tragedy. We immediately went onto the net to find out more about the horrific events.It was terible. For for the first time ever I had nothing to say and my teacher was just overcome. Only 2months before had our school from england been on a trip right to the top of the world trade center.The reality of it dint really set in until i got home when it was all over the telly. Nothing else was really shown for a long time which i think was brilliant.Tribute shows were made and shown all over the united kingdom and memorial services and silences were held all over the country. The flag flew at half mast at school on the 11th and for a good few days after.I didnt lose anyone in the tragedy but no what it is like to lose a close loved one. We will neverforget-rest in peace gods angels IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES ON SEPTEMBER THE 11th 2001. THEY DIDN'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT. THERE FAMILIES SHOULD BE SO PROUD because the whole world is. ENGLAND is with you AMERICA.Together we can make it.
R.I.P | 15 | United Kingdom

#1069 | Tuesday, March 19th 2002
I was in the science lab at the time doing a Biology assignment when the teacher came in and told us what had happened the whole class went silent we didn't believe what had happened we were amazed at what had happened as well. When I went home i stayed glued to the t.v set the whole night.
Roger | 15 | Alabama

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