#645 | Tuesday, January 22nd 2002
I woke up early on the morning of September 11th in my Southern California apartment to study for a test that I would take later in the day. I turned on the TV while I prepared a few pieces of toast, and instantly became engaged in one of the most horrific events in our history. I watched dumbstruck as things unfolded live in front of me. Too sickened to eat, I still couldn't help feeling nauseous as images of people jumping out of windows and the WTC towers crumbling replayed over and over on television. This is my generation's Pearl Harbor attack, my generation's Kennedy Assassination, and I will never forget the morning of 911. God bless the heros and the victims of this terrible tragedy.
Glenn | 22 | California

#623 | Thursday, January 10th 2002
I was in Spain, working in a bar. My girlfriend and I woke up that morning. We went for breakfast in the same Spanish cafe we had done for months.
Let's not have routine. Let's not fit into this market, wear a tie, carry a briefcase. Let's not depict what is right and what is wrong, and live our lives the way we think we are supposed to.
Does this not put it into perspective?
Let's thank the heroes.

The | 22 | United Kingdom

#449 | Monday, December 10th 2001
I had flown out to California from Connecticut on Sept 1. (Amazing how much safer flying felt then.) I had just moved into my new apartment on Monday Sept 10, and still did not have phone service or worse yet internet access. Tuesday, Sept 11, I left my apartment in the morning and heard someone's TV blaring out a window about some airplane crashing in Pennsylvannia. I didn't take much notice. "Just another plane crash" I thought. I went on with doing shopping that morning. Absolute no sign in the store I visited that anything in the world had changed (this was a "99 cents only" store). I returned after shopping, had some lunch, then ventured out onto the Caltech campus (I was starting my first year of grad school there) to do some more errands. The first building I passed by said "Campus Evacuated", another said "Campus Closed". I was confused. Had a fire occurred? Had some kind of crime occurred? I was more confused because I saw other people (probably other grad students) walking through campus like nothing was wrong. I asked one person on the street if they knew what the signs were about, they didn't know. So I headed back to my apartment, and along the way I passed by the apartment's recreation center which had a TV with CNN. I peaked in to see what the news was and was horrified to learn what was occuring. This moment was not until about 1:00pm Pacific time zone. I was completely shocked. I watched replays of the plane crash on CNN, and over time more and more footage was available to CNN of the planes crashing from different angles. It was so terrible. I luckily found a phone and used a calling card to dial home to reach some relatives and make sure everyone was okay in Connecticut (which they were). I watched the news for hours there in the recreational center, with a short break for dinner. This was a day I will never forget. I found it tough to not have internet access, since instant messaging and e-mail made it easy for me to normally contact my friends. The next day I used Yahoo Web Mail from a Caltech library computer to e-mail some immediate friends and family to let them know I was ok. I was somewhat shocked that my choice to fly to California early (much earlier than I needed to before starting grad school) had been a better choice than I could possibly have realized. My condolences go to the families and close friends of the victims.
Michael | 22 | California

#448 | Monday, December 10th 2001
On Sept. 11, 2001, I was sitting at home working on my homework. I decided to take a break. So, I turned on the television. Someone had been watching public broadcasting the night before, so a news story about the terrorist attacks was showing from the BBC. At first, I thought it was some sort of prank or joke. I changed the channel and found that all of the news networks were covering the story. My disbelief became shock, then anger. I was ready to bomb anybody involved until they could not function as a society, though now, I just want justice.
Aaron | 22 | Florida

#438 | Monday, December 10th 2001
I got to work at around 8 that morning. It was just another workday. At around five to 9 I called up my boss to ask him a question about work. He then told me that the world trade center was just hit by a plane. It was just too unbelievable. A few minutes later we heard about the second plane. The rest of the morning was crazy. We were glued to the tv and news websites all morning. It was so crazy! There were all these rumors flying about bombs going off in other places. Thank God most proved to be false. I don't work too far from the empire state building, and it was scary wondering if that would be the next target.

At around 11 I went to try and give blood and was told that there would be a 5-6 hour wait. I went to find a friend of mine who cam in a little later than me. She saw the buildings burning from her train and by the time she got into NY the buildings had crumbled. When she walked to work the city was just in chaos! people were just wandering aimlessly in the streets crying. We all just felt like crying.

We were told we could leave at any time. I decided to wait a little until I was sure that the trains were running. I just stayed in my opffice glued to the news and transportation web sites.

Finally I decided to leave at around 4. Outside it was like a war zone! cops, army, coastguard were everywhere. I suddenly had a strong need to volunteer. I wandered from place to place seeing if any help was needed. I walked over three miles and filled out a few applications. Finally after the longest day in my life, I headed home

R. | 22 | New York

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