#1381 | Friday, June 7th 2002
I was driving to work when the radio announced the news, it was 6 a.m. western standard time. At that time they weren't sure if it was an accident or not and I was trying to remember which buildings they were because five years ago I visited New York for the first time. I drive a special needs school bus for a living and I found it very difficult to keep it together for myself, my parents and children. Our School District was the only District not close school for the day. The kids that I drive are mostly 3-5 years old so they didn't understand what was going on. When the radio announced that there was a missing plane and it was supose to head to California, I was concerned about it coming here to our Fallon, Nevada traing Air Base. I called my husband on his cell phone to hear his voice. It was extremely hard to pick up my kids that day because the parents were crying and distraught about sending them to school. I reassured them that I would make sure if the school closes I'd bring them back home. That day I hugged all my parents and kids trying to despertly keep it together. It wasn't until later that night around 6pm that I saw it on the news what everybody else had already seen. The radio station describe it very well what was happening as it happened. I felt like I was watching a movie and I found myself glued to the news each night. I found out later I lost 14 fellow believers that day in or about the World Trade Center. How have I been affected? I am trying to show more compassion for people and not take things so personal; I'm trying to be a better Christian.
Colline | 34 | Nevada

#1375 | Thursday, June 6th 2002
Early on September 11th my 17 month old daughter woke with a bone chilling scream NO! NO! NO! I thought she was having a nightmare, she couldn't and wouldn't be comforted but after five minutes she went back to sleep and so did I. She happened to sleep in later than usual so instead of turning the tv on to Sesame Street at 8 am I was checking my email. As I scrolled down my start page I didn't even stop at the news section I headed straight to the stock market report and couldn't figure out why the Market hadn't changed. It was a Tuesday and no holiday I could think of. As I scrolled back up the page my eye caught the picture of the smoking Towers , I immediatly turned on the tv and the horrible reality hit me full force and suddenly inside my head was the echo of my daughters early morning screams...NO! NO! NO! Still to this day I can't shake that feeling whenever I see pictures or hear stories. In retrospect my daughter woke up screaming about the same time the first tower was hit we live in Las Vegas, 3 hours earlier than New York. I now wonder if it was a coincidence or if it was that wierd 6th sense little children seem to have early on. Whichever it will certainly be a very live memory in my mind forever.
Valinda | 23 | Nevada

#1056 | Monday, March 18th 2002
On the day of dispair; I was dressing for my job as a Security Officer for The Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada.. watching Headline News, I saw the 1st Tower smoking and immediately called to my wife in the other room, that the World Trade Center was on fire.. because of the confussion of the reports, I had no idea at the time that a plane had caused this distruction; my wife and I were just memorized by the smoking tower.. approximately 10 minutes after we had begun watching the report, the 2nd plane hit and both of us started to cry; and I relized, that we had just witnessed the deaths of possibly thousands of people. during my drive to the casino, I intently listned to the radio reports of ground zero and was trying to imagine what all those people were going through.. my entire security shift witnessed the 1st tower falling during our mornning briefing, and we were immendiatly put on high alert by our Security Director.. my job at that time was the casino podium officer, which is basically the public's only contact with the security department..I was extremly nervous all day, but I had to keep my wits about me dealing with all the casino guests. I had given my "notice" two weeks prior, and my last day was Wednesday, 12 September 2001. my heart and prayers go out to ALL the friends and families of the victims of 9/11, and can only hope that world peace is not just a dream; GOD BLESS AMERICA and all those in the world who also wish for a non violent exsistence...
G.A. | 38 | Nevada

#1004 | Wednesday, March 13th 2002
I was snoozing away when my roomate busts into my room and starts ranting and raving about a terrorist attack. My mind too like 5 minutes to figure out what he was saying
Timothy | 21 | Nevada

#997 | Wednesday, March 13th 2002
On the day -9-11-01, I was sleeping when my husband woke me up and told me to look at what is happening on the T.V.
I sat up to see the second plane hitting the building, I asked my husband what he was watching, what movie was it, all he said was that it was not a movie that two planes just crashed into the World Trade Buildings in New York City, I could believe all I could do was sit there in amazement, then I started to cry, I never thought anything like this would ever happen in my lifetime. I still get a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat whenever I see anything on the attack.
My heart goes out to the families who lost someone in the attacks,may God be with you.
I would also like to say how proud I am of the people of America on pulling together and becoming stronger.
WE are united and always will be, forever.
Proud American,
Joleen Nelson

Joleen | 34 | Nevada

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