#1247 | Thursday, May 2nd 2002
I remember that day as it was clear as a bell. It was around 9:ooam in the morning for me and my boss phones me about something and then he tells me that the WTC is being attacked! I got out of bed , sat on the end of it and wondered, what in.... then I quickly turned on CNN and just stared at the TV. I phoned everyone that I could , it was like being in a really bad science fiction movie. It was my day off so there wasn't really much for me to do. I sort of wondered around in a daze all day, looking above the sky to see what planes might fly by. I'm glad my parents were in Europe at the time as they normally live in Comox which is a military Air force town, and thought oh no, what if they get bombed or something. Yes Paranoid thoughts have passed my mind during that time....I felt so numb all day, staring at the tv or any tv in any coffee shop I could get to, someone brought a portable tv with a dish attenae into the Chapters book store and we watched that for most of the afternoon. Later on was the first night of my choir, we sang beautiful pieces, I prayed as I sang for the people in Manhattan, I will never ever forget that day, I still think of it every day.
suzanne | 30 | Canada

#1139 | Sunday, March 31st 2002
i was late for work that morning. on the cab ride in, i was mostly asleep. the radio was on, and they were talking about an explosion in new york. i really wasn't paying attention.

when i got upstairs, i quickly rushed over to our office coordinator's desk and started to apologize for being late. she just looked at me blankly and said "have you heard? do you know what's going on?"

when i said no, she told me.

when the tears started falling down my face 10 seconds later, she told me i need to be strong for my team. i was about to walk to my desk in front of my entire staff, and she didn't think it was appropriate for them to see me crying.

i cried anyways.

devon | 22 | Canada

#1135 | Friday, March 29th 2002
I had just arrived in Amsterdam that morning, and had dropped my bags at the hotel. Two colleagues and I were sharing a cab ride to the RAI centre for the IBC convention. The cab driver had his radio tuned to a local station, and I was picking out accasional words from the broadcast (which was in dutch)

I thought I was listening to a documentary / commentary about the time that the WTC was truck-bombed, but something didn't add up.... The guy on the radio kept mentioning George Bush, and I knew that Bush wasn't in office when the truck-bomb went off...

I turned to one of my friends in the back of the cab (who is South African and understands Dutch) and said, "Is this guy saying what I think he's saying?"

He confirmed it just as we pulled up to the convention centre.

We rushed inside and within a few feet of the entrance to the exhibit hall there was a crowd of stunned people watching the drama play out on a wall of TV's tuned to CNN. Moments after we started to watch, the second plane hit.

The rest of the day was spent in stunned silence building the booth for the show. I tried several times to phone my wife at home in Canada, but I couldn't reach her until that evening.

Normally IBC hosts some 65000 visitors. In 2002 the attendance was half that.

Tom | 35 | Canada

#1122 | Wednesday, March 27th 2002
the T.V. alarm woke me up that day and the first image was "breaking news" and then i heard what had happened, i didn't believe it at first so i changed channels because i thought it was a hollywood movie, anyways after about 5 diff channels it finally sank into my mind what a tragic day this had become...
Mike | 21 | Canada

#1115 | Tuesday, March 26th 2002
I am canadian and I was sleeping when my phone rang. It was a friend of mine screaming inot the phone that NY is being attacked and world war 3 is starting. I jusped out of be dand ran downstairs to turn on my tv just in time to see the 2nd plane crashing into the towers. I can remember sitting there all day glued to the tv watching CNN hoping that everyone was going to be ok. It is a day that everyone will remember like the moon landing in 1969 (I was not born yet to remember that one)

Anyways it is a day that will go down in history.

Mike | 26 | Canada

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