#484 | Saturday, December 15th 2001
September 11, 2001: 9:30 am
I was actually in my first english turbo of the semester here in Ct. I walked into class, without knowing that anything at all had taken place. My professor continued with class, with nothing more than a mere mention to something he had seen on television, prior to leaving for the university. After the break, a student mentioned that the university was closed for the day due to the "situation" in NYC. Class wa dismissed and I ran back to my dorm to meet my roommate who was crying on her bed, she was the first to inform me of what had happened. The news was already on, and we both sat in our room, with our mouths open and our eyes filled with tears. And that's where I was on Sept. 11.

Carly | 19 | Connecticut

#407 | Sunday, December 9th 2001
My husband (Medical Director) calls me (I'm a lawyer in Connecticut) around 9:00 am from his office that looks over the Hudson river and the WTC. He told me he turned and looked outside while sipping his coffee and sees a big black hole with flames comming out of the WTC building (first attack). His voice is tentative but calm. He is a doctor - he does not panic. He knows what he sees but his voice sounds like maybe he wasn't seeing what his eyes were telling him. I tell him nothing was on the internet yet but go and find out what was going on. He calls back and says that there is another hole in the other WTC building. I panic and say - Get home right now. Home is Connecticut - he needs to take a subway uptown to Grand Central and get a Metro North train to Connecticut. While driving to a Court hearing an hour later, he calls me on my cell and says it is pandamonium here in the City, I'll try to get home if they do not need me. All telphones are down and they are securing his building. I tell him about the pentagon. He is cut off. He gets home many hours later. He works the entire next day in my office setting up crisis centers for the survivors. He talks about those he knows at the WTC. He will never be the same. He is now part of a research team examining the post traumatic effect of the attack.
Laura | 55 | Connecticut

#335 | Saturday, December 8th 2001
On September 11, 2001 I was on vacation on the Connecticut shore with my wife and friends. At 9 am a woman, who was sitting on the beach with headphones on, wandered over to our cottage and mention something about being the bearer of bad news. When we're at the beach there's no TV and we rarely listen to the radio. It's a place to get away from everything and we take that pretty seriously. Usually the only news I want to hear is the weather and that's what I thought she was going to discuss - the possibilty of a storm coming up. She told us that an airliner had hit the World Trade Center. We turned on the radio. We were listening to WCBS radio in New York, an all news station. As we listened the details were coming in fast but not too clear. I wandered across the lawn to another friend’s cottage to see what they knew and come back. A few minutes later reports of another plane hitting the Twin Towers came in. Now the mood changed from sorrow to horror. Somebody was doing this on purpose. Then the Pentagon, then Pennsylvania. The reports flying in, the rumors. A friend who was staying with us had an uncle who worked in the Twin Towers and a brother in law who was a rescue worker in the city. She was on the phone trying to get through to her mom and aunt. At the point when the first tower fell, I searched out a TV in the cottage next door. I saw the images, the planes hitting, the tower falling. I stood in shock as the older neighbors discussed what was happening. Eventually I left and went back to my cottage and tried to explain what I'd seen to my wife. I got a few words out and started crying. The rest of the day and the rest of the week at the beach was spent listening to the radio, discussing the who and why and what do we do now. Our friend’s uncle eventually made it home and her brother in law was heading for the site after the collapses. My dad was stuck in Ireland a few extra days and my mother in law in Arizona not to keen on flying back. Several times during the week I wandered west down the beach towards the beach. New York 80 or 90 miles away. I went to school there, had been up the Tower. So close, so many people, so many lives ruined. And so it begins.
Peter | 36 | Connecticut

#244 | Friday, November 9th 2001
I remember rushing to a coffee shop on campus to get a quick wake me up before I went to class. As I walked over to the cash register, I noticed a bunch of people gathered around the TV in the sitting area. Everyone had their jaw dropped. This one guy kept crying out, "Oh my god! Oh my god!" he looked like he was having a nervous breakdown. I just remember watching the TV awestruck, with the huge headlines "America Under Attack" America under attack? How? Why? Is this real? No one seemed to believe it at the time. I remember walking away and back to class. Trying to not think about it for an hour while my professor (who commutes from the city) tried to take our minds off it for an hour or so.
Jennifer | 20 | Connecticut

#243 | Friday, November 9th 2001
I will never forget September 11th, as I'm sure no one else who was alive on that day will either. I was supposed to take a business trip to New Jersey that day, but my husband was adamant about me not going that day. He has never told me not to travel on business, so because of his insistence, I did not go. I would have been driving by New York City when the tragedy occurred. I feel that my husband may have a sixth sense. Instead of being on the road, I was at my desk when a friend told me that the Howard Stern radio show was talking about a plane that went into the Towers. I thought it was a small plane, so I went down to the lobby with a few co-workers to watch CNN for any news of this event. Much to our horror, we watched the story unfold before our eyes. First the Trade Towers, then the Pentagon, then a fourth plane with possible hijackers. We were in complete shock at this point!! When the second tower collapsed, I just broke down with tears. The building was closed down for the rest of the day. I drove home as fast as I could to be with my husband, all the while listening to the news and crying. I stayed glued to the tv for the rest of the day, and late into the night. It is something I will never forget. I don't think this world will ever be the same again....
Sarah | 30 | Connecticut

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