#49 | Monday, September 17th 2001
All I remember was walking in PE class and hearing people joke about how planes were running into the World Trade Center. I didn't pay much attention.

As soon as I got to my next class, which was Economics, I immediately saw the news was on and I saw the dazing picture of the hole in the building. It was about 9:30 central time...

Then a man came on and said the building had collapsed. When the President came on to speak the entire class was silent, their eyes fixed on the television. The second I walked out of class I saw that the flags were already at half-staff.

I wanted to cry so badly...as I did for the rest of the day. Every time I heard the national anthem, every time I saw the flag...All those people, all those lives so changed...I'm feeling the tears as I type this now. All I can remember about the rest of the day is floating through it blindly, so distracted by all the pain around me.

This is a day I will never forget, a feeling that will never leave me.

God Bless America.

Lisa | 17 | Illinois

#47 | Monday, September 17th 2001
When this all began to happen, I was sitting in study hall, listening to music and talking to my friends. The principle came over the loud speaker and told us the news. At first I was in disbelief, I felt like I was in a bad movie. Then I got worried, my dad frequents the DC area and he was supposed to go that week sometime. I found my sister and we figured out that my dad was supposed to go the next day, Wednesday. The rest of the day went on in disbelief. I couldn't fathom anything that had happened, until I got home and saw the images on TV. I now see how great every one is being to each other, not counting the discrimination and hate crimes. I feel pain for those that have lost someone, as well as for those whom others are hurting because of the race they are. I know we will pull through this incident, and it will make us stronger. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!
Eileen | 17 | Connecticut

#40 | Sunday, September 16th 2001
Tuesday's events seem surreal. Every time I think about them, I can't help wondering if this is how people felt when Pearl Harbor was bombed, and if we'll look back on this in a few decades and actually remember exactly what we were doing when we heard about these terrorist attacks; or if we'll even be around that long what with the current threats. But i guess that all we can do is continue to live our lives, because even though this is a shock and truly does affect us, we can't afford to let it get to us; it's just not worth it. Hopefully, someday we'll be able to tell our grandchildren these memories. And hopefully, we ourselves will be able to outlive the tragedy and suffering of these memories.
kathleen | 17 | Connecticut

#33 | Sunday, September 16th 2001
I was senior lounge laughing with a few of my friends. We were outside and I remember I was working on my celtic cross patch. The senior lounge teacher asked us to come inside because the principle was about to make a statement over the intercom.

We came in and stood there staring at the intercom as our princple told us that the twin towers were in ruins. The first thing that came into my mind was, "Oh my!" Then, "What if a war starts?" The rest of the day was filled with gossip, fears and tears. It was a day I'd never forget.

Faith | 17 | Connecticut

#32 | Sunday, September 16th 2001
I was at school, in band, playing the Stars and Stripes Forever, when the dean came in and announced that we had been attacked. At first, I didn't think it was a big deal, and then I saw the pictures. It really shocked me, but most of all it made me angry. Whoever is responsible will pay for this. You just don't mess with the U.S.
Katie | 17 | Connecticut

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