#645 | Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
I woke up early on the morning of September 11th in my Southern California apartment to study for a test that I would take later in the day. I turned on the TV while I prepared a few pieces of toast, and instantly became engaged in one of the most horrific events in our history. I watched dumbstruck as things unfolded live in front of me. Too sickened to eat, I still couldn't help feeling nauseous as images of people jumping out of windows and the WTC towers crumbling replayed over and over on television. This is my generation's Pearl Harbor attack, my generation's Kennedy Assassination, and I will never forget the morning of 911. God bless the heros and the victims of this terrible tragedy.
Glenn | 22 | California

#646 | Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
I was in Computer Applications when the trade center was attacked uh I was typing in the class...like we alwys do! When the announcement came over the loud speaker that our teachers should check their mailboxes...and than we got the message that 2 planes hit both the world trade centers. We then turned on the radio and learned more.
Alex | 14 | New Jersey

#647 | Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
I run my newspaper's website. I was walking in the door when the first plane hit. I didn't think very much of it, truth be told. Not much was known at first. So I put what little information I had on the website and went in to watch the unfolding events on TV in the conference room.

I watched as the second plane hit. I watched them burn, watched them fall. I put up as much news as I could, when I could. You can blame the media for oversaturation, if you want, but i think most of the nation wanted, needed to watch this on TV.
No | 25 | Illinois

#648 | Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
I was driving to work, listening to the usual banter on the radio, when all off a sudden, one of the announcers said, "We're getting a report of a plane, a small one, I think, hitting the World Trade Center". Having worked in the aviation industry, I figured that it was probably a pilot error. However, when the second one hit, I knew it was deliberate. I made it to work, but when I got there, everyone was listening to the radio, and one guy told me that the Pentagon had been hit. That news really scared me. You would think that the Pentagon would be much more well guarded from air attack than commercial buildings.

I don't really know why I went to work, I guess I thought it would probably be a relatively normal day. I mean, major events have happened before, right, and the day goes on? Well, as we continued listening, I knew that this day would be anything but normal. We rigged up a TV connection in one of the conference rooms, and watched CNN as the towers burned. What I really remember seeing was the little news line scrolling on the bottom of the screen saying "All air traffic in the US has ceased". I mean, cessation of ALL air traffice has probably never happened before, and the fact that ALL air traffic had ceased in such a short time told volumes about how serious the authorities were taking this event, and from later accounts, probably averted more attacks. We all sat there, watching the news unfold, and there was sort of a group gasp when the first tower fell. When I went back to my desk there was a message from my wife waiting for me, asking if I knew what was happening. It was quite reassuring to hear her voice. She was watching TV at home, where all channels were broadcasting news. After deciding that I should be at home, I packed up and left. I don't remember my 2-year-old daughter being particularly bothered by the event as we watched it on TV, but I'll be sure to tell her about it when she's old enough. We went into the backyard to get some fresh air, and what really struck me was the errie silence. We live in the flight path, so there is always a plane flying nearby, making noise, but today, complete silence.

I was listening to that song "Where were you (that September day)", and it struck me that the song doesn't say which "September day" it is referring to, and how unnecessary it would be to say. Kind of like saying, to a WWII veteran, "Where were you on the December day?"
Kevin | 33 | Arizona

#650 | Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
I was frantically weaving in and out of traffic trying to make it to the commuter lots. I hadn't left the house early enough to get to my test with any time to spare. I sprang out of my car and ran to the campus shuttle stops. I noticed people were abnormally somber and reserved, but I didn't really care why. Packed on the bus with 80 other people, i was sitting. I was sitting with three other students’ butts in my face, daydreaming about my test and the rest of the day. I overheard a guy a couple of guys talking about one of the WTC towers being struck by lightning or something. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. My friend Jen managed to trudge her way through people over to my general area. She asked me if I knew what had happened. My heart dropped, my emotions fell. What? She began to tell me, but in mid-sentence the bus driver flipped on the radio. I remember feeling sick and an urge to crumble as I listened to the dj's talk about what they were seeing on television. This particular radio station isn't the best in town, usually playing your latest selections of pop and hip-hop. Not your choice journalists with integrity. However, the way they explained everything was so raw and real that it took us all there without being able to see anything. I couldn't quite make out the picture in my head until I got to class and saw it on screen. I arrived seconds before the second tower collapsed. I've always been one to watch the news incessantly when something happens. I remember the day of Columbine and sitting in front of the TV for six hours straight. This however, was different. It made you feel so small and vulnerable. I’m proud of our service personnel currently in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We can't let this happen again. Never.
regan | 20 | Texas

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