#570 | Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
I was at work in a college bookstore - a little after 9am a student called to ask if we had a certain title - there was a lot of noise in the background and he told me that a plane had hit one of the towers. Shortly after someone came into the store and said that the second tower had been hit and that the pentagon had been hit. I was so stunned I couldn't even talk, I just sat there trembling. The college closed a bit later and the first thing I did when I got home was turn on the television (even though I didn't want to)- that's when I learned that the towers had collapsed. I started crying - I think I've been crying ever since.
For weeks after I would see the towers collapsing in my mind like a film and suddenly I would remeber that it wasn't a film, but real - every time that happened I felt I had been hit hard in the stomach and heart. It still doesn't seem real - I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and the towers will be there (and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way). But there is one thisg to remember - one very important thing - and that is that over 30,000 people survived Sept. 11th in New York City - and countless thousands in Washington, DC (I forget how may thousands work at the pentagon - but it's a lot).
Have I become more patriotic? No. I was always very patriotic, always proud to be an American - when people ask me what nationality I am - I alway say American. I've always worn the flag with pride and always cried at the rising of the flag - and the singing of God Bless America and other patriotic songs. The only difference is now I cry more - and more openly.
Then, of course there's New York City - the city of my heart. I literally swell with pride every time I see how wonderfully people have come together to help (financially and emptionally) the city the rest of the country loves to hate. And what a wonderful example of courage under fire the people of New York City are. "New York's Finest" and "New York's Bravest" are no longer slogans they are the truth (they always have been - but now the rest of the world knows that also) - those Bravest and Finest have shown us what real heros are. And Mayor Guiliani has showed us what a mayor - and leader - is, and should be. As I write this Time magazine has named him "Man of the Year" - which is just recognizing what has been true since Sept. 11th.
The times I've been to the pentagon always made me feel proud - especailly the Hall of Flags. Unfortuately I never made it to the observation deck of the Towers - the winds were too hich or a storm was coming in everytime I went there.
I'm proud of my country and of the people who have come together like never before - at least in my lifetime.
There's so much more to be said - but it could be summed up in 6 words -
Katie | 50 | Connecticut

#571 | Monday, December 24th, 2001
Hai readers,

I am Indian from Andhra pradesh.I came to know about this attack a few hours after it due to timing constraints.It's so sad that even a powerful country like USA had also became a victim of this bloody terrorism.I pay my deep condolence to all the families of the victims.
I strongly feel that Mr.Bush had done a right thing by delcaring a war against terrorsim.But one thing,he should have laid the foundation of WTC on the day itself when he declared the war.I came to know that the person who had taken WTC for lease is ready to built it again.Better late than never.Just build it more stronger and more higher.It should convey that the spirits are high of American's ;infact not only Americans but of everyone who is against terrorism.If by God' grace if I had got a chance to fight against terrorism in the battle field, I will surely fight untill I shed my last drop of blood.It's a promise by the bottom of my heart.
I hope the festival of Christmas and New year will bring this world peace and Joy.

This world has lost it's glory
Let's start a brand new story.
Why don't we stop this evil
killing and destruction and
sing the song of freedom
and Love.
let's join us together
and see the magic
we can do.
Hope veryone who is against terrorism will do agree with me .
Kiran.k | 23 | India

#572 | Monday, December 24th, 2001
When the attack first happened, I was getting ready for school. I don’t listen to the radio in the morning so I had no clue as to what everyone on the bus was talking about. I really didn’t have a clue until lunchtime, when my friend, Stephanie, asked my other friend, Gail if she wanted to watch the news in Mrs. Usher’s room. It was then that I found out that the Twin Towers were hit by planes and had come down.
I sat in Usher’s classroom for the whole lunch hour, and for once during lunch, my mind wasn’t on food. Everyone in the classroom watched the planes go into the Towers over and over again. Once in a while, I would steal glances at Usher. She looked like she was going to cry. When the bell did ring for period 7, nothing seemed real anymore. It was like a dream. During period 7, Alan and them didn’t do anything stupid, and Mr. Miller left us alone.
When period 8 came, I was in Usher’s classroom. And we were watching at the news. It was then that I found out that one of her friends worked on the second top floor of one of the twin towers. By the time, the bell rang, she looked like she was going to cry.
The attacks made me realize how important our friends were. Even though I live in Canada, and attacks like these are very unlikely, it still makes you thankful for what you have.
Stephanie | 15 | Canada

#573 | Monday, December 24th, 2001
I don't have a TV, the only thing i noticed that evening was that it was suddenly very quiet in our students house.
The next day the math teacher said something important had happened, like the Vietnam war and the fall of the Wall. Finally i dared to ask, and later that day i viewed pictures on CNN.
I couldn't concentrate on the lessons anymore that day. I almost started to cry in the middle of the classroom while viewing these pictures. During the following evenings i noticed the city was very quiet, maybe because a lot of islamic people live in the neighbourhood.
Eric | 27 | Netherlands

#574 | Monday, December 24th, 2001
As with many people going about their daily routines on that fateful day, I was at work. I am a dialysis nurse. To pass the time of day while on the dialysis machine, my patients often watch tv. One of the patients was turning channels to find something to watch, when he suddenly called for me to " come here". I naturally thought there was something medically wrong. When I reached his side he turned his tv around so that I could see and he stated "Look at this." I did not immediately realize what I was viewing, but I did notice that the patient had the tv turned to CNN. It was then I saw a plane going towards a tall building. I still did not realize that this was a " real" event taking place,I thought it was a movie. I pulled up a stool and sat there watching tve tv while the patient began to explain what was happening. As we sat there watching the ongoing coverage, I noticed that there was what appeared to be firemen spraying water on the already burning building from the first plane. Suddenly from what seemed to be coming from out of nowhere, was a second plane crashing into the building. I suddenly realized, in a state of shock and anger, that this was no accident. Once the supposed "suspect(s)" were announced, I immediately wanted to have the country or countries supporting these guys to be bombed off the face of the earth. That feeling lingered for quite a while. Unlike Desert Storm, where I was afraid that someone I personally knew would be going to war and I hpoed and prayed that he wouldn't go, I decided that if I was needed for this war I would go myself. Sometimes I feel that the Government is not moving as fast as they need to remedy this situation, I still feel like they are trying their best. JUST KEEP THE PEOPLE INFORMED !!
Debra | 38 | Arkansas

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