#356 | Saturday, December 8th, 2001
We were having our normal morning computer meeting when someone who came late said he had just heard of a plane hitting the WTC...we mentioned it must have been a single engine plane but he thought he had heard it was a jumbo jet, the meeting continued thinking he had heard wrong. The meeting was then interrupted by several employees and relayed us the truth of the matter. Suddenly things shifted into perspective, the meeting was over and we went to setup TV's so others could watch. It was one of those things that you just know would be life-changing. We watched the second tower collapse and the room couldn't believe it...something died inside of us...we knew the world had changed.
Clayton | 34 | Canada

#357 | Saturday, December 8th, 2001
I was at school, taking a test called the "ISTEP" tests. When we were released for a break from testing, one of my friends came up to me and told us that the WTC was bombed. I thought he was just kidding around, because he usually does. I went to the cafeteria and there was a TON of people crowded around this big screen TV watching CNN. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then, we were all dismissed to our homerooms. Luckily, my homeroom that day was in the cafeteria, so I got to stay and watch the coverage. Me and one of my other friends were trying to make jokes about it, but we were both in a state of shock. After homeroom was ended, I went to lunch with my friends and we were all speechless, or making fun of other countries. There were about 15 people in line at the pay-phone waiting to call their loved ones. I then went to Biology class and my teacher was trying to keep the class in order and try to keep us calm. Then, my father cam to pick me up right in the middle of Biology because my mom was freaking out. That was probably the worst day I have ever lived, but it was probably the best day for democracy.
Cody | 14 | Indiana

#358 | Saturday, December 8th, 2001
I walked into the media center at our middle school and saw a replay of a plane hitting the WTC. I knew immediately that hundreds of innocent people had just died. A feeling of great sadness came over me. It has not gone away.
Joe | 47 | Georgia

#359 | Saturday, December 8th, 2001
I was just getting up and walking back into my room I turned on the news. There was a top story on every channel. Then the next thing you know, right there in front of my face live on the news the second plane hit. I couldn’t believe. It reminded me of scenes from a movie like Independence Day. This is day that will not be forgotten, it was a great tragedy. But at the same time, the amount of people and dropped everything that they were doing to offer aid and support was overwhelming. The whole world came together for a common unity. The lives of those who passed on both in the fall or the towers and the recovery effort will never be forgotten. We will always remember those people as heroes for offering their lives to save the lives of others.
Aaron | 18 | Wisconsin

#360 | Saturday, December 8th, 2001
Dear wherewereyou.org,
I was at a fundraiser when I found out. Over the next few days I cried a total of twice. This was hard on me until I found that I didn't really think such a situation was at all possible. I have thought so ever since.
Mr. X
Mr. | 28 | Minnesota

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