#301 | Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
it's been strange to watch this major page in the history of earth unfold.. i feel so sad for the families who lost those they love.. it seems that at least here in the US we want to act on this event...as if action will change things..isn't the same as a gang fight?
the way it has escalated over the years.
we invited this act...now we do again what brought this to us...i am not
saying that the people that died were the ones that deserved it...but the government of our great nation have done the very same thing to countless other cultures...why do we think that we can wipe out terrorism?...we would have to get rid of our own government...
would anyone really be willing to do that?is anyone even willing to face tthat fact?...
kris | 31 | Oregon

#302 | Thursday, November 29th, 2001
i was at home from school because i was sick. after waking up to tell my mom that i felt too awful to go to school, i went back to sleep and awoke to 'oh my god..oh my god..oh my god' my mom was standing behind one of the chairs in the livingroom and looking at the tv screen with wide, disbelieving eyes. i asked what was going on and she told me. we followed the story the entire day and i couldn't stop writing about it. shock, outrage, and then the sudden urge to cry assaulted me at different times throughout the day. but i didn't cry. i am now keeping a scrapbook of everything that has happened and is happening. it includes political cartoons and newspaper clippings. tid bits from the internet and my own personal reactions. it's almost full. i'll have to start another.
Jessi | 15 | Missouri

#303 | Thursday, November 29th, 2001
I was asleep on September 11th, having worked the midnight shift. A friend called me and said "Turn your TV on" I was kind of sleepy and said "why?" She couldnt say anything, which is highly unusual, so I got up, turned the TV on, and my reaction was "Oh My God!" over and over and over again.... I was speechless.
Needless to say, I stayed up all day watching TV, even though I had to go in again that night to work.
I could not comprehend that people could do such horrible things. It was mind boggling.
People at work that night were stunned, angry, upset.
Barbara | 48 | Arizona

#304 | Thursday, November 29th, 2001
I was in bed and when I awoke, I turned on the TV. At first I wondered what the hell happened as I saw the smoke billowing from the WTC. I watched in disbelief, and to me it seemed like a plot from a movie. I dammned those responsible to hell.
How can anyone do such a thing? Those sub-humans have earned my wrath.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families.
Peter | 42 | Arizona

#305 | Friday, November 30th, 2001
At the precise time it happened, it was mid-afternoon, and I think I was in a jeweller’s in my home town of Blairgowrie, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, picking up my watch with its new battery. I walked back to Tesco's car park where my mother was waiting, and she began signalling furiously to me as I approached the car. She told me that there had been a terrible accident, that an aeroplane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. I was immediately shocked, having visited New York City and been to the top of one of the towers on a final-year school trip, not six months beforehand. As we listened, confused messages came through about another plane having crashed, an idea that seemed ridiculous (since we automatically assumed that it could only have been an accident). We hurried home to put on both the radio and the television, hearing George W. Bush's first statement live, and it soon became apparent that, yes, both towers had been struck, and neither was an accident.

At home we quickly put on the television and the radio, and I watched the scenes unfold. All channels, if my memory serves me correctly, had cancelled their normal programming by then. I sat aghast, and began to succumb to fits of sobbing as the full enormity of what had happened hit me, along with the added incredulity of having been there myself so recently. I watched as news came through of more planes hijacked, of smoke drifting over Washington, of rumours then confirmations of an attack upon the Pentagon, of a plane crash in Pennsylvania, and, finally, of the collapse of first one, then the other great tower.

Finally I was able to bring myself to go into my room and send emails out to the mainly American mailing lists to which I belong, realising that I had friends who were to be in New York at the time, but not finding out until later in the evening that they were okay.

I shall conclude by quoting my diary entry for that evening; the references towards the end are to my best American friend, and then to the degree course in International Relations that I have since started at St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland.

"I don't know how to begin. This is the worst day in my entire life. Thousands are dead, hundreds of thousands are injured, countless lives are destroyed, the world's economy is in a state of collapse, the US government is in turmoil, one of the largest and most magnificent buildings in the world has been razed to the ground, the Pentagon has partially collapsed. Nobody knows who is responsible, why they did it, or what this means for the world. Thankfully, Jessica is okay and all the other listers seem to be okay, though some have relatives who may yet be dead. And in exactly one week, I'm going off to be trained to do something about it. If only I can. I'm shellshocked. This is too awful for words. Those poor people."
David | 18 | United Kingdom

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