#1430 | Monday, July 1st 2002
At the time of 9-11 I was an assistant manager for a restaurant. That morning I had to go in early to take care of a breakfast catering we had scheduled. I remember being in a huge hurry because I had a college class at 9am. I was just a few blocks from home when I heard the news on the radio of the first tower being hit. I remember thinking..oh goodness! But I honestly thought it was an accident. By the time I walked into my front door my boyfriend was glued to CNN. When the second plane hit I was in complete shock. I looked at my boyfriend and said are they replaying it..he said I dont think so. Neither of us said much just stared at the news in complete shock! When they came over with the news of the Pentagon being hit..I remember starting to sob hysterically and saying..Oh my God...we are being attacked!!!! I was soo worried about my parents and little brothers who lived in another state. It took me several hours to get through to them!
While I think that morning will forever be etched in my memory and the memory of my fellow Americans..I also think many of us came away from this horrible horrible tragedy with a new realization of what is really important. For the first time in a long time that day I prayed..VERY hard!
My heart goes out to those who lost someone that day..they may be gone but they will NEVER EVER be forgotten!
With the 4th of July coming upon us...I hope we all have our flags waving proudly and I hope when we see a member of our military, a firemen, a policman,etc..Please stop them and tell them Thank You for the WONDERFUL jobs they do. They put their lives on the line every day so that we may enjoy the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard for!
God Bless Everyone!

Kim | 25 | Arkansas

#1422 | Wednesday, June 26th 2002
I was sleeping when my wife ran into the room to tell me that an airplane had hit one of the Twin Towers. I remember telling her that it was not amusing and to get out of the room. She was sincere and I could tell. Apparently she had just turned on the TV and they were showing replays of the North Tower being hit. As I walked out of the room they were showing a live shot of the flames and smoke pouring out of the North Tower. As I made my way to the couch, another plane came in and hit the South Tower. I was in utter disbelief. I could not make any sense of it and terrorists were the furthest from my mind. But I am in the U.S. Air Force and when I heard our base had went to the highest level of alert, the one when where attack is about to transpire, I was terrified. I remember looking at my daughter, who was turning 2 on the 18th of that month, and thinking how vulnerable we were. Was there anything I could do for her to protect her? I watched and held her on my lap and told my wife everything would be all right. Then the both of us realized the enormity of the attack. How many people had lost their lives? In revulsion we watched as the South Tower fell. All I could think about were thousands of civilians departing this life. I was overwhelmed with everything I was seeing as were so many around the world and tears fell from my eyes. And in the face of the disaster unfolding in front of my eyes I had never been so proud to be an American.... I had never been so proud to be a member of our military. I remember feeling ready to, wanting to go and defend my country. That was the only thing I could do for my daughter and my family. To this day I'm still ready. God Bless our country.
Adam | 25 | South Carolina

#1377 | Thursday, June 6th 2002
I was standing in the shower, late for work. I turned on 89X (Detroit's alternative radio station). Green Day was on. In the middle of the song, "Dean" cut in to say "a plane just hit the World Trade Center, more after the song." I wasn't sure I heard it right. I thought I was imagining things. After all, I just woke up. I shut off the radio, forgetting that I had even heard the news. When I got to work, everyone was huddled around the TV getting nothing done. As I walked in, everyone was talking about the second plane. I stood in front of the TV still not believing was I was seeing and hearing. Not more than ten minutes after I got to work, the buildings started to collapse. A half hour later, everyone in my Deaborn, Michigan high-rise corporate building was evacuated because of our close proximity to the airport and the number of low-flying commercial jets nearby.
Kevin | 25 | Michigan

#1305 | Wednesday, May 22nd 2002
On the morning of September 11, 2001 I was hard at work when I heard one of my co-worker yell, “oh my god”. She screamed for me to come into her office. She was on the phone with her mom who was telling her the awful, horrible, unbelievable news of the attacks. The other girl next door to us came out of her office and all three of us stood in the hallways shaking in fear. I can still feel that awful, panicky fear. All of us went home not too long after the news as no one could work. My cousin and I sat in front of the TV all day. I could not (still can’t) believe what was happening. Please everyone, although we don’t want to be fearful everyday of our lives, let us not forget what has happened, with dignity let us keep the memories of those we lost alive and most importantly…THEY CAN NOT CHANGE US, unless we let them. God bless everyone, always and forever.
Jackie | 25 | Canada

#1287 | Thursday, May 16th 2002
I was in a clinical for nursing school when I watched this happen. I can remember the eerie silence that fell upon the entire hospital. I can remember knowing if they hit downtown Chicago the hospital I was at would be one of the closest trauma centers. I could remember wanting to somehow help. I can remember having a conversation with someone several months before, saying "Nothing will ever happen to America!" I can remember emptying out my wallet of everything to help fill the boots of a fireman out collecting donations. I was foolish to think we are immune to the evil of others. It is now eight months later. I still cry every so often about the victims. I never knew any of them, but I am an EMT. EMS is a very tight knit community. Although I never met any of the FDNY fireman, I still feel like I lost 300 brothers and sisters that day.
I watched as everyone put American flags on their cars. I felt patriotism for the first time in my life. I watch now as the flags are decreasing in number. Where is this patriotism going? Are we forgetting about the thousands that have died? I continue to keep the flag on my dashboard and in the window of my home. I will never forget!

Erin | 25 | Illinois

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