#1607 | Tuesday, August 27th 2002
For me, September 11th started out like any other day as I got up and left to school.
It was early in the morning during my Enterprise class when I first got wind of something occuring. My enterprise teacher mentioned toward the end of the period that a "plane crashed into the World Trade Center - anyone know anything?"
When no one knew anything else, and no more information was provided - I turned back to my group of friends and engaged in mindless talking and flirting. I never considered what had happened to be anything major. Truth me told, I didn't really even know what the WTC looked like. I thought that a small plane must have dropped on top of the building or something. Three people dead, small flame, no biggie.
But, god, was it big.
I went into the school cafteria and stood in line for a few minutes to purchase a small salad and two cookies. As I descended upon my group's "usual" table, I was surprised to see the entire gang's attention focused on the televisions in the cafeteria.
My best friend turned to me and said, "You know that plane crash? Well...." She pointed toward the TV which was quickly flashing scenes of what looked like a warzone.
"Terrorist attacks ... Car bomb? ... World Trade Centers .... Evacuation ... Under attack ..."
It was like a horror movie. Never, NEVER, could I have possibly imagined something of this magnitude to occur in present time. This was the material war stories were made of, not current breaking news messages.
I was in homeroom when we saw footage of one of the tower collapsing (I'm not sure if it was old footage, or new footage of the second collapse). It was like a quiet desecended upon the classroom. My ex-boyfriend then uttered very eerie words of :
"I have a feeling this is not just going to end. Many people are going to die."
September 11th shocked us all out of our comfy, self indluged lives. I remember rushing home everyday and watching the News. I rememember everyone talking about safety, and fear instead of make-up and dating. I remember the televisions, radios and computers being checked at all times during the day whether or not we were working, at school or at home.

So, where was I, septemeber 11th, 2001?
When I found out about the terrorist attacks I was first in Enterprise class and then again in the Cafeteria - learning the whole destructive story by watching the images flash across the TV, and consequently burn into my mind. But in broader terms I was two places. When I woke up I was in the quiet, lush and safe western world. When I went to sleep I was in a changed world, a scarier world. Even now, almost a year after the attacks - here in Canada things have slowly taken upon something resembling normalcy, but still, still - there's always the memory of September 11th 2001 and in a way, all of us who lived through it, will always be in that date, remembering the stories, the faces and the loss.

Shobhana | 17 | Canada

#1571 | Monday, August 19th 2002
Now, even though it has almost been a year since the attacks I still think of them as if they were yesterday. I first learned of a plane hitting the world trade center on my way to get some food during break. I met up with a friend there and we remarked that it was probably just a misguided cessna. Nothing to worry about. I proceded to study hall in the library when I leared that a second plane had hit the other tower. Teachers were huddled around a monitor in the other room. This was no accident. My first glimpse of the destruction was from my schools home-page. Shock. I needed to see this for myself. I headed to the television in the cafeteria
When I arrived, classmates and teachers alike were standing around the television watching, wide-eyed at the events unfolding before them. I got a seat and soon after the first towere had collapsed. The room went silent after a collective gasp. One of the largest structures in the world had been reduced to a mass of smoking rubble. Soon after they cut away to the pentagon on fire. "This is unbelieveable" said many of my classmates. The period ended and I went to my next class not knowing what had just happened or what was going to happen. I told anyone in the hallway, spitting out words that I was too afraid to think about. It was another two periods before I learned that the second towere had collapsed. My classmates were crying now. Fathers, mothers had been in those buildings. I had lost my appetite for lunch and sat glued to the television since classes had become optional. It would be a day I will never forget.

S | 17 | Connecticut

#1557 | Friday, August 16th 2002
On 9/11 when I 1st heard about the attack was in my Geometry class. Some kids came in late & said that some teachers were watching the TV & that some ppl crashed a plane into the WTC. We didn't think anything of it, so we went on w/our lessons. A little into the block, the principal came around and gave our teacher a note saying that 2 planes were crashed into the WTC & it was not an accident, after that the teacher told us and we talked about it, then I went to my English class & there were ppl all upset because a few of them had brothers or sisters in the service that were supposed to come home that weekend. It was a horrible experience that I won't EVER forget. May all the people that died in the WTC, The Pentagon & every where else Rest In Peace. In memory of ~Fire fighter Thomas Foley~
Jamie | 17 | New Jersey

#1551 | Thursday, August 15th 2002
On September 11th I was in my Computer class (1st period) Senior year High School, when my teacher had told us the horrible news. :(
Marissa | 17 | California

#1548 | Thursday, August 15th 2002
I was in school. I was at the computer in the library when a boy in my class ran in and said, "Come to the Media Lab, a plane has just crashed into the World Trade Center!" We all ran to the Media Lab. We watched on TV and various people (mostly boys, surprisingly enough) started crying. The drama teacher said, "We're at war," and a young science teacher began murmuring that her husband was on that flight. We stood and watched for a long time. Then we were all herded into the theatre where they were broadcasting CNN. Then another boy from my class ran in and said "High School can go," so I got out of there. Luckily I lived five minutes away. The people who lived in Brooklyn and Queens couldn't get home 'cause the bridges were closed. I walked home and only started crying in the elevator. When I walked into my flat my dad looked very relieved. He told me to stay home for the rest of the day. Cell phones weren't working. I called my friend in Boston and cried, and then everybody I knew in New York. Then, there was nothing left to do but homework. So that's what I did.
Masha | 17 | New York

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