

#652 | Thursday, January 24th 2002
I had flipped on CNN briefly before going to work and saw that a plane had hit one of the WTC towers. I thought it was an accident and went to work.
My mother called shortly after I arrived at work. A second plane had hit the second tower. While talking to Mom, we (coworkers and I) gathered in the conference room to watch the news in shock and horror.
I fled back to my office to call my boyfriend. At that time, I was living in Alabama, and he lived in Maryland. He works for Nasdaq, but I knew he was asleep because he was working 2nd shift that week. I woke him up. He was going to have to go to work, even though I really didn't want him to. I was deathly afraid that if the terrorists would go after one financial center, they might go after another. He promised to call often.
When I went back to the conference room, I found out about the Pentagon. My company is in the defense industry, and we had people in the Pentagon that we were trying to find. I called my roommate at that time and couldn't get a hold of her. I went home.
She was awake by the time I got home, staring at the tv. I needed to go back to work to see what was going on, and she came with me, because she didn't want to be alone.
It wasn't until the next day that I found out my company lost two people on the plane that hit the Pentagon. I had met both of them about a month earlier, because I was transferring to their office in January.
I didn't go to class that day, or the next. I spent those two days watching CNN, trying to figure out what had happened. I knew the world was different. I was just trying to accept that.
Heather | 23 | Maryland
#538 | Wednesday, December 19th 2001
September 11th a day to live in imfamy for all of history. It's a day I'm sure to never forget. I will never forget where I was when I heard the news. I was in Mr. Fredricks 2nd mod Psychology I class. I felt like my world had come to a screaching hault. Watching the towers crumble at the hands of terriosts seemed so unreal. I never thought I would ever live to see something like that in America. It still feels unreal more than three months later. My condolences to all of those who lost family in New York, at the Pentagon and all of those seemingly forgotten in the feild of Pennsylvania. Never can we turn back the hands of time. But I hope the unity and patriatism of this country after September 11th will always remain. Because I can say everytime I drive down the road and see the proud red white and blue of the flag of my country it makes me realize how lucky I am to be an America. God Bless America!!!!
Luisa | 17 | Maryland
#496 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
I was in bed asleep the morning of 9/11/01...I was awaken by my mother, who was watching the tragedy unfold on CNN. She came to my room and told me...I immediately got out of bed, and watched with her. We kept the TV on all day...it was a day I'll never forget...the rescue workers, the policemen, the rescue dogs...even though I live in MD., it was as if I was there...seeing the smoke, the ash, the destruction of the buildings...I'll never forget that day.
D.M. | 42 | Maryland
#475 | Thursday, December 13th 2001
I was sitting at work, listening to the radio, when the first newsbits came. At first, the newsman said that a small plane hit one of the WTC buildings. They went to a commercial, and when they came back, we were informed that while the cameras were on the first attack, a second plane hit. I remember thinking at first that something went wrong with navigational systems and air traffic controllers, like some horrible virus. Then they broke in to say that a plane hit the Pentagon. I live in Baltimore, so that immediately hit too close for my comfort. Then there were reports of planes going down just north of us, in Pennsylvania. I started to be afraid. I didn't really know what to think. My office was going crazy. I tried to be the cooler head. I calmed people down and tried to talk sense to them. Eventually, my company told us that we could go home. I picked up my mother from work and drove her home, and then went home to my wife. I sat and watched CNN until I couldn't stand seeing the second plane crash another moment. I felt like I was going to vomit. I held my feelings together for a few days. I remember watching wrestling on TV that thursday. They started out by saying that we would not give in. We would not just roll over and play dead. They spoke the words that we have to live by. Then a singer performed our national anthem. And there I was...sitting in my living room with my dog, and I just started to cry. I cried for about an hour that night.
Several days later, I heard an airplane fly over our neighborhood, in the middle of the night. I jumped up out of a deep sleep, and ran to the window. I don't know what I would have done if it had been coming down, but I had to see. I had to be able to reassure my family that everything was ok. Now, 2 months later, I have the same nightmare every night. I am at the ocean or on a cruise ship, or something like that. I can look out my window and see the water. I see a plane blow up and fall into the water. Even though I wake up in a cold sweat, I know that it is only a dream.
I am relieved to say that I did not personally know anyone who was killed in these attacks. Nor do I know anyone who was related to one of the victims. It doesn't change the fact that this was horrible.
These people were living their lives. We should do no less. This simple act will not only honor their memory, but it will ensure that their unwitting sacrifice will not be in vain.
God Bless America!
Charles | 27 | Maryland
#466 | Wednesday, December 12th 2001
I had called my mother to see if she'd like to spend the day shopping. She told me to turn on the news. We both watched as Tower One burned, I remember crying for the injured and we discussed how such a thing was possible. The second plane hit and I heard "terrorist attack" come over the tv. Fear and anger rushed through every part of my body, and I felt lost. The news stations were saying other planes were still not accounted for, and they showed some of the most gruesome live coverage I've ever seen. The media covered everything from people jumping from the towers, bleeding on the ground and a cloud of dust consuming New York. I watched as the news unfolded, and as the terror came closer to home. I'm 30 minutes from Stoystown and 2 hours from Arlington. I continued to watch the news for the first week, but then I had to stop because my panic attacks (I suffered from prior) had gotten worse and I was afraid to even go outside. I've been to DC one time since and it's not the same. Planes flying in low over Dulles and BWI made me shake with fear. I certainly don't feel war is the answer but I am very proud of the people in our country who've come together to assist with this tragedy. Maybe one day I (and so many others) will regain a sense of security that we've lost in the horror of 9-11.
Les | 23 | Maryland
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