

#1044 | Saturday, March 16th 2002
I was in my workshop, at my workbench in Yorkshire, in the UK, with the radio on. I was working on a setting for a piece of enamel. I sat for a few minutes listening in total horror to the broadcast. My thoughts went out to all the people I had met the previous January, when I came over on a 3 day visit. I had been a bit nervous of visiting New York, but found it so friendly.
I only hope that everyone who was so kind to me has found kindness now in others around them.
My heart goes out to you all.
L | 45 | United Kingdom
#925 | Monday, March 11th 2002
I was sitting in front of the Tv waching the news on "abc" and then all of a sudden they interrupted with a special report. I could not believe my eyes. All "HELL" was breaking loose. I thought it was some sort of a sick joke or a commercial plug for for a really bizarre movie, but it was 'real'. I kept waking my Husband up every five minutes to tell him all the goings on, but he was oblivious, because he prints one of the major newspapers in the state of Washington; The Tacoma News Tribune. I cried, when I watched, he got up and couldn't believe his eyes. We sat there thinking, "how could someone be so inhumane"? MY husbands newspaper did an excellent job of reporting every little detail that they could find, with help of other news sources. The New York papers, the Philadelphia papers, and the Washington D.C. papers. They all played a part along with the AS, AP, etc. My husband, I and our family will never forget these tragic events, nor do we want to, because it will make this country stronger against anything like this ever happening again. Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families. God Bless America ! ! !
Laurene | 45 | Washington
#917 | Monday, March 11th 2002
I was in a job interview that morning
with ATT for a project related to the
WTC. The interview was in Dayton NJ,
20 miles or more from the WTC.
Driving home the smoke from the WTC was
very visible from rt 1/9 in NJ.
The next day we could smell the WTC center burning- 30 miles away in New
Providence NJ. I'm thankful that
the interview was in NJ and not in the WTC....
Steve | 45 | New Jersey
#914 | Monday, March 11th 2002
On the morning of Sept. 11th I got out of bed thinking it was going to be just another boring, depressing day of work. I turned on the TV and at that moment the second plane was hitting the WTC. I went from half asleep to fully awake instantly, and as the announcer said it was a terrorist attack a million thoughts were going through my mind. The number of people who were going to be killed or missing, what this would do to the economy, the stock market, etc. But the one biggest emotion that has come out of these attacks is FEAR. How can we ever feel safe again? We’re picking up, and moving on, but nothing will ever be the same again. Never.
Mary | 45 | California
#876 | Sunday, March 10th 2002
As a 911 Dispatcher, I was reporting to work at 6am on the morning of September 11th. We watched in silent disbelief as events unfolded and set about to work until 0630 hrs that night, still having to process and deal with calls for service that could not begin to compare with the tragedy our fellow emergency service workers and dispatchers on the East Coast were facing. Our hearts broke not only in the knowledge that innocent civilian life was lost; but that emergency services personnel had perished also. Lastly, our center, as all dispatch centers across the nation, could relate to the helplessness those 911 Dispatchers in New York felt as they were the last contact for so many of those people. We must never forget.
Ethel | 45 | California
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